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APPROVED Minutes, December 22, 2009

BOARD OR COMMISSION:            Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
DATE:                                           Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 8:30 AM
LOCATION:                                       120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor Conference Room
MEMBERS PRESENT:                        Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio, David Jaquith, Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides
MEMBERS ABSENT:                         Chairperson Paul Durand
OTHERS PRESNT:                          Economic Development Manager Tom Daniel
RECORDER:                                       Tom Daniel

Chairperson Paul Durand calls the meeting to order.

Urban Renewal Area Projects under Review

1)  196 Essex Street (Café Valverde):  Discussion of proposed signage

Daniel introduces Nelson and Eleni Valverde and describes the proposal as a blade sign and a wall sign. He adds that the Valverdes would like to have an awning and have brought information about it to the meeting.

Eleni Valverde describes the blade sign. It will be carved from mahogany or PVC. The “Café Valverde” would be recessed and the mountain would be raised. The sign is their logo, and the sign area is less than the maximum permitted. The wall sign would be made from PVC and would be flat. Valverde distributes information on the awning. It is dome shaped and would be over the door to keep rain away from the entrance.

Kennedy asks what color the awning would be.

Eleni Valverde states it would be black or the dark red in the sign.

Kennedy suggests black as being better and Valverde concurs. He asks if there would be any type on it. After discussion with other Board members, it is agreed that including the street number would be useful. The color of the number would match the cream in the sign.

Kennedy asks if there will be any lettering on the windows.

Eleni Valverde indicates there will not be any except for the café hours on the door’s side panel.

Kennedy states the signs look great and that the oval blade sign works well. He asks if the blade sign will go in the current bracket location.

Eleni Valverde responds that it will.

Sides states the proposal looks great and adds that PVC is fine to use as the material.

DeMaio indicates he likes the signs as they are presented. He notes that the wall-mounted sign needs to have the fasteners either concealed or painted over so that they are not visible from the front. Regarding the awning, as long as it meets minimum clearance and is approved by the condominium association, he supports it. He notes that its placement needs to respect the lines on the façade. It should not extend into the brick.

Blier asks about the placement of the wall sign.

Eleni Valverde indicates it will be centered vertically and horizontally over the windows.

Jaquith asks if there will be a roaster in the café.

Eleni Valverde states they hope to be able to include one.

Jaquith asks if they will be proposing an outdoor seating area and notes that they will need to return to the DRB to review the proposal.

The Valverdes state they intend to have outdoor tables and chairs in front of the café and along the covered pedestrian walkway. They would like to spruce up the covered area.

Durand describes what needs to be included in the outdoor seating proposal.

Nelson Valverde asks if Fuel’s approved plan is available for review.

Daniel responds that it is, and he will send them a copy.

Nelson Valverde asks if outdoor propane heaters are permitted.

Durand states that the DRB would review it for design purposes if it is permitted by the Building Department.

Durand asks what they will be serving for food.

Eleni Valverde indicates they will have locally baked bagels, scones, muffins, and pastries in the morning. They will have additional small items for lunch such as quiche, soup, and a couple of salads.

Kennedy:  Motion to approve signage and awning proposal with the following conditions:
  • The fasteners on the wall sign shall be concealed or painted over so that they are not visible from the front;
  • The wall sign shall be centered vertically and horizontally over the windows;
  • The awning shall not extend into the brick area over the door; and
  • The awning shall be black and shall include the street number in cream color matching the sign. The numbers shall not be more than four inches in height.
Seconded by Jaquith. Passes 6-0.

Approval of 2010 Meeting Calendar:
Jaquith:        Motion to approve the 2010 meeting calendar, seconded by Kennedy.  Passes 6-0.

Approval of Minutes:  October 28, 2009 regular meeting.
DeMaio notes one correction to the minutes.

Jaquith:        Motion to approve the minutes with the correction, seconded by DeMaio.  Passes 5-0.  (Durand was not present 10/28.)

Kennedy: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Jaquith.  Passes 6-0.

The meeting is adjourned at 9:30 AM.